The Faroe Islands were amazing. Some of these islands shoot straight up out of the ocean. You will be hard pressed to find a nicer people than the Faroese. The hospitality was phenomenal. If you ever decide to visit the Faroe's you need to let me know and I will put you in contact with a man that was our best friend for 4 days. Rani Nolsoe was an amazing host as he drove us all over the islands and more importantly took us on some of the most scary terrain as we hiked all over these islands. Rani - you are the best!!! I must also say that if you want to have the best meal and visit, you talk Rani into having his lovely wife, Hervor, make dinner. It was the best meal and evening of our entire vacation. If you're lucky, you will be serenaded by Rani throughout the evening! We didn't know he was such a famous Faroese musician!!!